Woozoo’s Comments :
In the coffee community, the storage of coffee beans is often a debated topic. You can usually keep your coffee in its original coffee bag if it has a resealable bag, but if it is a particularly expensive coffee and you want it to last longer in the best condition possible, opt to use a vacuum seal container.
James Hoffmann, World Barista Champion 2007 has a great video on Youtube about coffee storage. He compared 11 canisters in three categories, airtight, push vacuum and suction vacuum and tested them all by using coffee from the same roasting batch and opened them once a day to replicate use.
After 6 weeks, he cupped them all and found that the airtight containers had performed the worst. Continuing, he pulled espresso shots from the remaining container types, push and suction vacuum. When comparing the extraction, suction container beans performed exceptionally, but the push containers had holes in their coffee puck which caused the water to pass through instead of absorbing the flavours.
Hoffmann then specified that he considered the Fellow Atmos Vacuum Canister to be one of the best products out there, and we completely agree. For those who are looking to keep their coffee fresh, this product is considered the best of the best. For coffee beginners, something to consider is that you can’t store ground coffee inside this product as it clogs the filter inside, but who wants to have ground coffee anyways when you’ve already invested in storage!