Woozoo’s Comments :
Coffee scales have come a long way in recent years, previously the Hario v60 Scale was the top product for the coffee community for both functionality and price. If you’re familiar with the Hario scale then you can expect the Smart Scale S2 to be faster, more accurate and have a lower price point than the Hario scale.
Smart Scale S2 can not only be used for brewing filter coffees but it can also weigh ground coffee precisely for espresso brewing. This product shows 0.1g accuracy all the way up to 5,000g in weight, which is 4,500g more than the previous fan favourite, the Hario v60 Scale. Because group handles weigh around 550-650g when the Hario is used it is already over its accuracy limit of 0.1g and only shows 1g difference, whereas the Smart Scale S2 continues to have 0.1g of difference even with the group handle. The accuracy rate is very important to consider when looking for a new scale, as when we weigh ground coffee in a basket, we usually put the whole group handle on the scale to be tarred off.
For all the above reasons, this Smart Scale S2 is probably the best out there on the market for those looking for a new scale or an upgrade.